How To Publish Web API - Visual Studio

In this post i will show you how to publish your Web API project in Visual studio

  • Open your solution and select the Web API project.
  • Right click on the project and select Publish.
  • Then it will popup Publish Web process.

  • In here i will show you how to publish using custom profile
  • Select Custom and enter Profile Name 
  • Hit next.(Connection tab)
  • Select publish method as File System.
  • And provide file location as Target Location i'm using HOST folder in C: drive.

  • Hit next (Settings tab).
  • Select Configuration as Release (By default in Release) and hit next (Preview tab).

  • Click Publish button to publish your Web API.

  • You can see publishing process in output window in Visual Studio.

  • After succeeded the process you can brows file location and find all the files that you need to host your application.

  • Now you can use this files to host in IIS server. Just need do give file path to IIS 
  • Enjoy. 


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