Easy Way to Format your Code Sample for publish in Blogs / Blogger

In this post i will show you how to format your code for publish inside tour blog or blogger within few steps. 
  • Copy your code
  • Visit http://codeformatter.blogspot.com/
  • Paste the code in editor
  • Change formatting option as you want
  • Click "Format Source Code"
  • This it with create source code for your blog.
  • Also you can see Preview of the Source code.
  • Copy the Content of "Copy Formatted Source Code" text area.
  • Go to your blog and paste it within your HTML code.
  • For example i will use one of my blogger post
  • Go to Edit View in your post and select HTML (as following image)

  • It will show you the HTML code of your post.
  • Then paste the code content to your HTML code as following image

  • Some times when saving the HTML code blogger will popup conflicts errors in your code 
  • You can click "Fix" in the message any blogger will fix the error automatically.

  • Then save the post and preview your post. It will show you the formatted code as follows.
That's very very easy and very useful tool for create your blog posts beautiful and clean



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