
Showing posts from October, 2017

Best way to Speedup your Windows PC Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

In this Post i will show you one of the best way to speedup your Windows PC There are/ many ways to increase you Windows PC performance. Clean junk files Fragment Cleaning Software Startup processes etc. But most of the people like programmers don't care about the visual effects of animation inside windows. There are lots of animations and visual effects that busy your memory.  I am also testing this and it improves my laptop performance. let's do it. Press Windows Key + X in your keyboard then it will show you a quick access menu then select "System" in that menu. It will open System details in your PC Click "Advanced system settings" in left side menu Then select "Advance" tab in the "System Properties" view and click Settings under Performance Then select "Adjust for best performance" Or you can select custom preference by selecting "Custom".  If you

Easy Way to Format your Code Sample for publish in Blogs / Blogger

In this post i will show you how to format your code for publish inside tour blog or blogger within few steps.  Copy your code Visit Paste the code in editor Change formatting option as you want Click "Format Source Code" This it with create source code for your blog. Also you can see Preview of the Source code. Copy the Content of "Copy Formatted Source Code" text area. Go to your blog and paste it within your HTML code. For example i will use one of my blogger post Go to Edit View in your post and select HTML (as following image) It will show you the HTML code of your post. Then paste the code content to your HTML code as following image Some times when saving the HTML code blogger will popup conflicts errors in your code  You can click "Fix" in the message any blogger will fix the error automatically. Then save the post and preview your post. It will show you the formatted

Routing in ASP.NET Web API 2 - Attribute Routing - Tutorial NO. 03

In this post i will explain basics about Routing in ASP.NET Web API. Convention-Based Routing Attribute-Based Routing Other than Web API, Web API 2 support new new routing call Attribute routing. It will give you more control over URIs in Web API. Download out previous Code Sample in  Here . For previous tutorials : Create Simple Web API 2 Project in few minutes - .NET Framework - Tutorial NO. 01 Using Postman and Inspect tool in Google Chrome to Test your Web API - Tutorial NO. 02 Convention-based routing is still available in your API (Earlier method). You can still choose what you want or you can use both method inside your project. Difference between Convention-based routing and Attribute-routing  In Convention-based routing you define one/more routeing templates, are basically parameterized  strings. But advantage of the Convention-based routing is only define in singe place. WebApiConfig.cs file in App_Start folder. Convention-based routing is little bit

Enable IIS - Internet Information Service feature in Windows for developers

In this post i will show you how to enable IIS feature in you window PC.  There are few important reasons and information to use IIS In .Net software development we use IIS for hosting our application like Web APIs, WCF Services, Web Application (angular 2, 4, PHP5)etc. Also it is a easy way to manage you application configuration with rich GUI application. Simplified your development process Add, remove, and replace built-in IIS components with your custom modules Speed your website with built-in dynamic caching and enhanced compressions Administrators can use the IIS roles to set up/manage multiple websites, web applications, FTP sites Configure multiple web servers into one server farm. Lets look in to how to Open IIS. (If IIS already Enables) Go to Control panel in your PC Then click Administrative tools in the menu (See following image) Then open "Internet Information Services (IIS) manager" in  list. Let's look at how to enable IIS .

Using Postman and Inspect tool in Google Chrome to Test your Web API - Tutorial NO. 02

This is the second tutorial in my list. Today i will explain about following point Installing Postman Test your Web API using Postman How to view and test our Web Request using Google Chrome Inspect tool and more. Before taking this part of the tutorial i recommend to fallow my previous tutorial: POSTMAN  First of all you have to install Postman through your google chrome. For that, go to menu in Chrome > More Tools > Extensions  Then it will popup new browser tab with existing extensions.  If you don't have Postman in your system scroll down to the extension page and click "Get More Extensions" Then you can install Postman by searching through web store. Then Open your Postman app (You can open app by searching on windows start menu).  If you want you can signup with the app and then app automatically backup your Web API requests. Now l

Create Simple Web API 2 Project in few minutes - .NET Framework - Tutorial NO. 01

In the first tutorial in this series, I will show you how to create simple Web API project You can download the sample project file in here . Download "SimpleWebAPI"sample project Open visual studio in your PC.  For this tutorial i will use Visual Studio 2017. Go to File >  New > Project  And Select Installed > Visual C# > Web > ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) Name your project as "SimpleWebAPI". Then choose file location to save your solution and click OK. Next step is select template for your project. For this tutorial i will create project without using any built in content like MVC or Web Forms project. Select Empty project template and select Web API for core reference. (See image below) Then Click OK. Than Visual Studio will create solution with your project. It include files in following image For first tutorial, I will create simple Web API 2 controller For than Right Click on "Controll